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Calcium Hypochlorite (70%)

Calcium Hypochlorite (70%)
Low Residue Granular Chlorine 70% is a granular chlorine for controlling algae and bacteria in swimming pools. Always check label of product for detailed instructions on use and detailed safety instructions.
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Active Constituent:

700g/kg available CHLORINE (CL) present as CALCIUM HYPOCHLORITE

Sizes Available:

10kg, 40kg


Used for daily chlorine dosage or shock chlorine dosage, Low Residue comes in a granular form reducing the risk of bleaching to clothing. The chlorine is bound to calcium and adds a small amount of calcium every time you dose your pool. This helps to protect your pool surface against damage and wear from calcium leaching.

General Instructions:

Dissolve granules in water prior to dosing, or add directly to pool water

The correct level of free chlorine should be maintained for several hours before and during swimming activity

Chlorine levels and pH should be tested daily by use of a reliable test kit using fresh testing reagents

Dose pool in the evening when pool is not in use. Retest to ensure the required free chlorine levels are reached

If stabilisers are present in the pool stabiliser levels should be tested fortnightly by using a reliable test kit. If 50ppm (mg/L) of stabiliser is exceeded the ability of the chlorine to control algae and bacteria is reduced. Stabiliser levels should never be allowed to exceed 100ppm

Granular form reduces risk of bleaching to clothing

Added Calcium helps to protect pool surfaces from calcium leaching

High chlorine percentage (70%) means you have to use less to dose your pool

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