Algon Australia Pty Ltd
Active Constituent:
47.6g/l COPPER (Cu) present as a complex blend of copper salts. 40g/l BENZALKONIUM CHLORIDE
Sizes Available:
Used for the control of algae in hot climates and heated pools. Specifically formulated for serious Black and Mustard Algae. 100ml units marked on side of bottle.
Safety Directions:
Will irritate eyes, nose, throat & skin. Avoid contact with eyes and skin. Do not inhale vapour
Directions for use:
For initial treatment apply 100 mls of Hotzone per 5000 litres of water
For a pool of 50,000 litres use total bottle of Hotzone
To maintain in perfect condition add 100 mls of Hotzone per 50,000 litres water per month, summer and winter.
For best results ensure the pH is kept between 7.2 and 7.6
Test and monitor copper levels and ensure they do not exceed .4 ppm (mg/l)
This product must be used in conjunction with a registered bacteriocide such as Chlorine.
Storage and Disposal:
Store in the closed, original container in a cool dry place. Do not store in direct sunlight. Dispose of container by wrapping in paper, placing in a plastic bag and putting in garbage bin.
- Specifically formulated for hot climates
- Reduces chlorine requirements
- Controls serious Black Spot and Mustard Algae